Formation pour allophone

Customized Training for Allophone Audiences

Target audience

  • Migrants, refugees, asylum-seekers looking for social integration and needing support and coaching.
  • Illiterate or poorly qualified audiences.


  • Practical support in daily life for better integration of allophone people.
  • Acquisition of new skills to develop self-reliance.

Training options

  • French sensitization course (beginner) for allophone audiences.
  • German sensitization course (beginner) for allophone audiences.
  • Conversation workshop including role play and exchanges with others (in French or German, false beginner level)
  • Language skills development workshop to find first job
  • “Discovering Switzerland” workshop to get accustomed to the setting of the canton, Swiss institutions and culture, while practicing French.
  • “Discovering Switzerland” workshop to get accustomed to the setting of the canton, Swiss institutions and culture, while practicing German.
  • Home management workshop for better management of one’s budget and administrative papers (in French).
  • Calculation skills refresher workshop (in French).

Venue and date

  • Training delivered in partnership with communes.
  • Flexible hours.

Frequency and duration

  • 1 session of 2h30 per week.
  • Duration depending on objectives.
